I stopped subscribing to the newspaper once I moved into my new apartment, too much paper I didn't need.I do, however, get the Red Plum Insert in the mail every week, check out some great coupons:Subway: Free Avocado on your sub when you buy any fresh value meal
Sweet Tomatoes: 8 Different Coupons
Newman's Own: Salsa, Salad Dressing and Frozen Pizza
Nature's Bounty: Save $2.00 on any Nature's Bounty Protein Shake Mix
Organic Valley: Save $1.00 on any one pound butter from Organic Valley
8th Continent: Save $1.00 off any one half gallon of 8th Continent Soy Milk
C&H: Save 75 Cents on One Bottle of C&h Organic Agave Nectar
Dulcinea: Save 65 cents on PureHeart mini Watermelon or Tuscan-Style Cantaloupe