Sometimes it is difficult to keep all of your frugal finds in order. Here are a few ideas on how to stay organized:1) Create a separate email address just for email clubs, coupons, special offers, etc. --this way you won't have to "weed out" emails against your personal information i.e. banking, business, pictures, etc.
2) Create a separate Facebook and/or Twitter account from your personal one for special offers -- you will keep all of your friends this way (who may get annoyed with continuous facebook feeds of you liking random businesses) and you will easily be able to spot deals on your newsfeed
3)Keep a binder or some kind of organization device to place your coupons --- organize them by store, type, or when they expire
4)For your freebies: set aside a drawer or box where you will put every freebie you receive -- that way you are able to know exactly where they are when you need them for traveling, unexpected guest, etc.
5)Your time - set aside a specific amount of time for your coupon/deal quest, whether it's looking through the newspaper, internet, or trading with friends. You will find that you will have time to coupon, and also have a lot more time to do the things you love. I would suggest 30 minutes/day or an hour every 2 to 3 days.
6)Shopping trips- when you are finally ready to make your purchases, make a list of what you are going to purchase, put stars (or something) to indicate what you have coupons for, list both the retail price, and the after coupon price. Know the layout of the store beforehand, and write your list in order of the layout --- you won't be going from end of the store to the other for every item this way.